
by Winner Wave Co.,Ltd.

Video Players & Editors


Since ver.1.1.550, EZCast App supports casting local multimedia, camera, web surfing, cloud video, cloud storage, multi-screen games to your Apple TV.Enjoy EZCast App’s fantastic functions for EZCast dongles, Chromecast dongles and Apple TVs now.EZCast Vorrichtungen, in der Form von Dogles oder Boxen, sind kabellose Anzeigeprodukte für fernbedienungslose Kreuz-Plattformen (iOS, Android, Windows und Mac), die Inhalte ihrer Wahl aus dem Internet und ihren tragbaren Geräten (smartphone, Tablets, notebooks und Mac) anzeigen.
EZCast APP für Android, entwickelt von WinnerWave, zeigt Dokumente und Multimedia in Verbindung mit einem EZCast-Grät von ihrem Android Pad/Smartphone kabellos an.
Please report your issues by EZCast Comment function (Comment icon on the EZCast desktop). We will check the issues and answer you directly.
Anforderungen:Android 4.2 und darüber (1GHz CPU und 1GB+DDR werden bevorzugt). Ein EZCast dongle oder box.
Unterstützt: Lokale Fotoanzeige. Lokales Musik/Video-StreamingIm Internet surfen und Videos schauenOffice documente anzeigenDLNA zur Wiedergabe (DMR)Miracast-SpiegelungDie Steuerung für das EZCast-Vorrichtung einstellen
Current Possible Connections are as follows:Android/iOS/Windows/Mac/Windows Phone EZCast App to EZCast dongles/boxesAndroid/iOS EZCast App to Chromecast donglesAndroid EZCast App to EZCast Screen App in Android devices (iOS version will be soon released)Airplay/DLNA/Miracast to EZCast donglesAirplay to EZCast Screen App in Android devicesFor more information, please refer to EZCast official site: www.iezvu.comEZCast, Happy Casting
If you encounter error code 963 / 903 from google play:1) Clear the application Cache / Data for the Google Play Store and Google Play Services through the Application Manager in Settings.2) Reopen the Play Store, navigate to Settings and scroll to the bottom of the page, if you're on build 5.5.12, you're OK to proceed. If your device is on an older revision, please wait a bit until the Play Store automatically pushes the latest build to your device.3) Navigate to Settings -> Storage and select: "Unmount SD Card"4) Navigate back to the Play Store and attempt to download updates, or any other application /game you were previously having issues downloading.5) Observe the results, if the problem goes away, great! If not, try physically taking the SD card out of your device, rebooting and following all of the above steps in order.